FROM:  Cascadia Artpost, USA

love this Season Greetings card, seeing the happy smiles of my creative friends, Jack and Marnie.

Thank you very much, also for the letter and the care, i wish you both too much health and prosperity in the New Year. 

 FROM: S. Wurlitzer, USA

W👀Wnderful! THE calendar is much needed to step into the unpredictabilities of the coming new year with the right foot....or helmet and, yes, a 3D one is even better. 

Thank you very much, Sally, to keep me in your calendar list! love it!

 FROM: Picasso Gaglione, USA

another super edition of the iconic Stampzine, in its winter 2024 issue #66, so happy to be part of it! together with all the fab participating artists. this edition is dedicated to Piet Franzen, a very much missed mailartist friend.

Many thanks, Picasso!

 FROM: Siggi Liersch, Germany

great artistamps from rubberstamp carvings...freedom under fire card. 

Many thanks, Siggi!

 FROM: Cascadia Artpost, USA

another beautiful piece by William Stafford, great poet and pacifist, featured as a Cascadian Poet in Cascadia Artpost artistamps.

Many thanks, Jack!

 FROM: Maria Nekrasova, Russia

very beautiful analogue collages bringing warm Season Greetings.....that i reciprocate with my best wishes for better times in the New Year!

Many thanks, Maria

 FROM: Alfonso Aguado Orduño, Spain

a captivating set of visual poetry for the Zine in a Box project!

Many thanks, Alfonso!

 FROM: Reina Huges, Netherlands

lovely Season Greetings and a beautiful analogue collage...all the best to you too dear Reina!

Thank you very much!

 FROM: Siggi Liersch, Germany

great set of artistamps for the sPMATSzine project! and a 'bypass-set' card as Germany begins major reform of its hospital sector...hopefully successful.

Many thanks, Siggi!

 FROM: Lancillotto Bellini, Italy

a fab set of prints of Lancillotto's cool carved artistamps for the Zine in a Box project. 

Many thanks, Lancillotto!


what a precious vintage book! with beautiful prints of Rome's best sites, completed with one of DADANAUTIK's cool trademark analogue collages. 

!Thank you very much, Walter!

 FROM: Juan Petry, Spain

beautiful original work and a very interesting mail tracking code system with rubberstamp. Juan has been working on a social project of mail art detection, called MAD.  if you are interested to join:

Many thanks, Juan!

FROM:  Michael Leigh, UK

WoWnderful booklets... one set of them as contribution to the Zine in a Box project and The Curious Thing for my happy archive!

Thank you very much, Michael!

 FROM: Cascadia Artpost, USA

a beautiful piece from William Stafford to ponder upon in these times of turmoil...very needed.

Many thanks, Jack!

 FROM: Thorsten Fuhrmann, Germany

cool analogue collage postcard! Wishing you too Happy Holidays!

Many thanks, Thorsten!

 FROM: Sol Barbieri, Spain

an interesting booklet of mailartists names divided by countries to add to, originally from Pedro Bericat.

Many thanks, Sol.